18 May, 2023

Notice | To our Followers and Stakeholders

We have recently become aware of certain LinkedIn profiles advertising themselves as being / having been teachers at or with “F1 in Schools South Africa”. The profiles show the F1 in Schools South Africa logo, and falsely attempt to associate the subject with the F1 in Schools South Africa brand.

Kindly note that F1 in Schools is an education programme and not an employer. Accordingly, no teachers are employed by F1 in School South Africa. All teachers, representing participating schools, are employed by the participating school itself. Moreover, there are no qualifications, designations nor certifications issued by F1 in Schools South Africa or by F1 in Schools HQ to participating school educators.

The profiles misrepresenting an association with F1 in Schools South Africa have been reported.

We request all stakeholders to report any suspected misrepresentation or similar concern to StratAstute Future Ones NPC in order that appropriate action may be taken.

Contact can be made directly via:


Date: 18 May 2023

Issued By: The Directors - Future Ones NPC

Article written by Media/Publication