Purpose-Driven Strategies to Sustain Success

Strategies that inspire aspirational outcomes in business and sport.
StratAstute is a female-led, strategy advisory and management consulting company.

What is StratAstute Consulting?

We work with organisations, decision makers, value creators and goal getters who are on a quest for success. Our curated consulting and coaching services help clients to set and achieve their visions, plans and goals with resilient confidence, using strategy as a compass.


To help organisations and people become the best versions of themselves so that they can lift others as they rise.


To be a trusted consulting and coaching partner to navigate, progress and sustain success.


> Accountability and integrity for partnering.
> Critical, diverse thinking for real progress.
> Discernment for effective performance.
> Respect people and resources for prosperity.
> Work with passion for inspired success.

Message from Founder & CEO

Roshni Gajjar

Growth is core to business and life. I am energised when I explore the future and new ways of doing things. Early in my career, I found that my strategic creativity is sparked during times of uncertainty, when joining-the-dots becomes that much more complex.

Through StratAstute Consulting's strategy services and coaching solutions, I continue to work with forward-thinkers and goal getters to influence, co-create and mobilise success strategies in industry, in business and in sport.

StratAstute’s approach incorporates our "4 P’s": Purpose - Performance - People - Progress. The fifth, Passion, is in our DNA – we love what we do to shape our clients' success stories. Our aim is to make strategy relevant, realistic and achievable, on paper and in motion.

Tell me your vision, dream or goal and let's make it happen!

Let’s Talk!


Our Approach

Our approach combines strategy consulting and coaching to unlock potential and enable success. We apply our 4P's approach, under-pinned by Passion, in a way that unlocks ROI for our clients.


The reason we set goals, take risks and bounce back, with committed passion.


The decisions and actions we take to unlock potential and mobilise strategic success.


The human beings and relationships that activate purpose and energise performance to generate success.


Positive momentum that unlocks strategic value, achieves goals and fuels success.

Our Area of Expertise

Design, develop and position strategy

Support strategy-to-execution

Coaching for performance and success

Facilitate strategy, strategic conversations and goal setting


Our Partners and Associations
