Our senses are always on alert. I find that remote/digital human connection seems to have heightened our reactionary behavior because the sensory input is limited to a screen, image or to a voice, often with filters.
When you look at people and have a reaction, positive, neutral or negative, remind yourself that everybody is trying to do their very best.
Overall, you will find that this is true and comforting to know, amid the ramped up turbulence.
Remember that comparisons and benchmarks are all relative, shaped by our perceptions. When the doubt nudges, take time to review your perspective and try on new lenses by talking to people.
"There are things known and there are things unknown,
and in between are the doors of perception."
-Aldous Huxley, Philosopher and Author
Hope this helps to navigate some tough conversations and those mentally overloaded triggers, as we near the mid-point of a choppy 2023.
Roshni Gajjar is the founder of StratAstute Consulting , a boutique consultancy which specialises in strategy consulting, enabling strategy-execution, cultivating resilience and facilitating game-changing conversations.