Connect to Lift As We Rise

Informing, influencing and sharing purpose-driven business strategies on our Lift As We Rise podcast/webinars and through Future Ones NPC.

StratAstute supports the Sustainable Development Goals and UN Ten Principles. We advocate ethical, responsible, sustainable business practices through our work with clients and stakeholders.

We collaborate with our clients and eco-system to progress future-relevant initiatives that contribute strategically to progress and prosperity, in our quest to "Lift As We Rise" in the areas of:

SDG 3 - Good Health & Wellbeing through our unique resilient success coaching offering.

SDG 4- Quality Education through our investment in Future Ones NPC STEM initiatives.

SDG 5 - Gender Equality with a focus on integrating diversity & inclusion in all we do.

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth through informing financially viable strategies.

